5 Must Do’s 5 Big No-No’s

Here's the lowdown on what's hot and what's not for your social media strategy this year.

As we dive head first into another year, it’s time to go over all the latest dos and don’ts of social media. Whether you’re a content creator or just a consumer, staying ahead of the curve is key to standing out in the digital crowd and keeping your online integrity. Let’s go over our TOP 10 tips for your social media strategy: 

Top 10 tips for your social media strategy


Be Authentic: Authenticity is your secret sauce. Ditch the filters and show the world the real you. Share the highs, the lows, and everything in between. Your tribe wants to connect with the authentic you, so do prioritize authenticity and transparency in your social media interactions. People appreciate genuine content and are more likely to engage with it.

Engagement and Interaction: Let’s get chatty! Don’t just post and ghost, engage with your peeps. Respond to comments, reply to messages, and show your followers some love. Building relationships is where it’s at, so do actively engage with your audience. Respond to comments, messages, and mentions. At the end of the day it’s called social media for a reason.

Stay Updated with Trends: We don’t want to watch “renegade” audios anymore! Keep your feed fresh with a mix of content: videos, stories, memes! Variety is the key, so get creative and stay updated with current trends and topics relevant to your niche. Incorporate trending hashtags, challenges, or events into your content strategy to stay visible and relevant to your followers.

Accessibility: This is key! Do make your content accessible to a diverse audience. Use alt text for images, provide captions for videos, and ensure your website and social media platforms are accessible to users with disabilities.



Over-Promotion: Nobody likes a pushy sales pitch. Mix up your content with value-packed posts, fun behind-the-scenes glimpses, and stories that resonate so don’t bombard your audience with excessive promotional content. Balance promotional posts with valuable, informative, or entertaining content to avoid appearing spammy.

Ignore Feedback: Don’t ignore your followers! Whether it’s praise or criticism, take it on board and use it to level up your game. Feedback is your compass so don’t ignore feedback or criticism from your audience. Use it constructively to improve your content and user experience.

Engage In Controversial Topics Without Context: Controversy might get clicks, but at what cost? Think twice before diving into heated debates or touchy topics without context so don’t engage in controversial topics without providing proper context or without considering the potential impact on your brand’s reputation. Be mindful of the needs of your audience.

Neglect Analytics: Keep an eye on your analytics and track what’s working (and what’s not). Use those insights to update your strategy and keep crushing it so don’t neglect analyzing your social media performance. Regularly review analytics to understand what content resonates with your audience and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Ignore Platform-Specific Guidelines: Each platform has its own rules—don’t break ’em! Don’t disregard platform-specific guidelines and best practices or you’ll get your account banned. Each social media platform has its own rules and algorithms, so make sure to tailor your content and approach accordingly to maximize engagement and reach.

So much advice

And there you have it! Remember to stay authentic, engage with your audience, and keep the vibes positive. Let us know in the comments your favourite tip so far!


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