Getting Pearls Of Inspiration At The FITC Conference

FITC Conference
FITC is a 3 day conference that stands for Future, Innovation, Technology, and Creativity. A 22 year old conference that focuses on educating attendees on disruptors, and innovators in the tech world. The conference has worldwide speakers, interactive vendors, and networking events to create a community. With events from Amsterdam to Calgary, their Toronto chapter is usually their biggest one, and highly anticipated.
Future, innovation, technology, creativity

While most topics did not directly relate to the work that we do at Samurai Media, it was always great learning and seeing different project lessons so that we could relay messages to our creators. FITC is held in The Great Hall where there are two separate rooms for attendees to listen. Guests and speakers are from all over. Toronto, New York, Columbia, and many more. 

FITC conference speakers
Some notable speakers and topics that I was able to see were Krys Blackwood, a UX Designer who works at NASA that spoke about UI/UX Design for Spatial computing. Adam Shlachter, who is head of marketing at Niantic speaking on how VR can create unforgettable brand experiences. Jason Legge Creative Partner of ZeMind Studios who was in a panel discussion on how to authentically connect brands with audiences through immersive experiences. One interesting topic was by Hoss Gifford, a technology leader with experience in entrepreneurial innovation. He spoke about how to make more money. During this talk, he touched on tips like adding value to your rate instead of lowering your rate. In addition to the different types of clients/ business relationships you may come across while you are looking for business. You can see his deck here. 
Lastly, what makes this conference, so fun are the social after parties each day. The wrap-up party was held at the Illuminarium – an experiential and interactive event space in the Distillery District. Filled with beautiful graphics, and a sense of community it was a great environment to socialize. You get to be face to face with the speakers and talk about work processes, how they strive to work, and possibly create an opportunity to work together.
We would recommend going to this conference if you’re a creative of some sort, or someone who needs to reignite their inspiration for creating. You can never know too many people from different careers because you never know a project they can be working on.
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