How To Take A Digital Break

Helping you stay off the grid while also being on the grid.

As technology continues to be so easily integrated into our lives, it’s impossible to avoid the pervasive influence of our digital devices. In today’s world, many of us, whether consciously or unconsciously, spend hours upon hours on our phones, scrolling through social media feeds, responding to emails, or simply browsing for the sake of browsing. All of this screen time can leave us feeling drained, anxious, and out of touch with the physical world around us. However, taking a digital break can help you regain a sense of balance and tranquillity in your daily routine. Here are 3 actionable steps you can take to disconnect and take a breath of fresh air.

scrolling and double tapping

1. Pre-schedule content.

One of the biggest culprits of excessive phone usage is social media. With endless feeds to scroll through, it’s easy to get sucked in and lose track of time. But social media can also be a valuable tool for staying connected with friends, family, and clients. So, instead of cutting off social media entirely, why not pre-schedule your content?

Many social media platforms now allow users to schedule posts in advance, which is a great way to optimize your time while still maintaining an active online presence. Most social media apps even have a scheduling feature within them; like Instagram, and Meta, and Later is a great third party one as well. By pre-scheduling your social media posts, you take away the stress of having to come up with captions, hashtags, and content on the fly.

This strategy can be especially useful for business owners or individuals who use social media for work. By planning your content in advance, you can ensure that your posts are published at the most optimal times, maximizing engagement and reach, while also freeing up your time to focus on other tasks or what’s in front of you.

Maybe next week?

2. Give yourself allotted times and rules.

Setting limits on your phone usage is key to taking a digital break. Allocate specific times of the day for phone use, and establish personal rules for when and where you will not use your phone. For example, you can make a rule to not check social media during mealtimes or when spending quality time with friends or family.

It’s also a great idea to set aside specific times of the day for phone usage, and to stick to them. For instance, you might decide to allocate one hour in the morning for checking emails and social media, and another hour in the evening for the same purpose. You can also set up certain notifications and customize your phone settings to limit your online time.

By setting these rules in advance, you’ll create an environment with less temptation to spend excessive time on your phone, ultimately leading to better work-life balance, increased productivity, and personal fulfilment.

3. Create a separate “for work” account.

One effective way to cut down on social media usage is to create a separate “for work” account. This allows you to compartmentalize your online activities and create boundaries between your personal and professional lives. With a separate account devoted exclusively to work, you can focus solely on your professional brand and avoid the distractions of unrelated content and notifications.

Having a separate account can also provide a sense of clarity and focus, as you’ll be able to keep your work-related communication and engagement separate from your personal life. This division of time and focus will help you stay organized and productive, minimizing the chances of getting lost in endless feeds and notifications.


By following these simple steps, you can take control of your digital life and cultivate a healthier relationship with your phone. Pre-scheduling content, giving yourself allotted times and rules, and creating separate social media accounts are all effective ways to combat excessive phone usage and improve work-life balance. So, the next time you feel like your phone is taking over your life, remember these tips and take a step back to disconnect and recharge.


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