Instagram is Launching Profile Views for Everyone!

Learn how Instagram is launching profile views for business and personal accounts, and see how this may not be such a bad idea after all.

Do you know the saying “curiosity killed the cat,” well, Instagram is now killing all of our curiosities by launching profile views for business and personal accounts. So staying anonymous on Instagram is becoming impossible with this new feature. Let’s just say, you may want to reel in those stalker-mode tendencies…

Learn more below. 

Introducing Profile Views

It is easy enough for us to view who has viewed our Instagram Stories but we were never able to see who viewed our profiles, until now.

This feature is still in the works, but what we know so far is that you can access the profile views tab through your profile page.

Here’s how to see who has viewed your page:

  1. Tap the new shoe icon at the top right corner of your profile (they look like mystery footprints).
  2. You’ll now be on your followers, unfollowers, mutual, and now profile views page.
  3. Once you click on the profile views tab, you can see all the people that have recently viewed your profile, and from there, you can click on their name and be brought to their profile to take a peek at their page. 

Watch out peeping toms, you are no longer invisible!

What are the benefits of Profile Views?

Personal Profiles  

For personal accounts, profile views are useful if you are interested in connecting with the person who viewed your profile. The reasoning behind why you want to connect with that person is entirely up to you. 

Businesses and Influencers Profiles 

From a creator’s perspective, this feature is a great opportunity for businesses and influencers to connect with other businesses for marketing, branding, and collaboration purposes. See a potential opportunity browsing your profile? Why not send them a message and show them how a potential partnership can mutually benefit each other’s businesses?

Capitalize on Profile Views 

We predict that profile views will do wonders for social networking for businesses and influencers alike, with many opportunities for their business, followers, and financial growth.

With influencers searching who has viewed their profile, they could potentially find their next brand deal or have the opportunity to sign on with an influencer marketing agency (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) that can guide them in the right direction and open doors to new opportunities.

Businesses and influencers should use this new feature and take advantage of the opportunity to contact other business and influencer viewers to see where their interaction could potentially lead. There is nothing to lose, only more opportunity to gain.

What do you think of this new profile views feature? Do you think this is a smart move by Instagram to help businesses and influencers? Or do you think they have the potential to lose users from the platform? 

Tell us your thoughts in the comments, and stay tuned for more info about this feature. 


  1. Barbara Merry

    Insta Business” is an invaluable tool for anyone looking to elevate their social media presence. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, it’s a game-changer for entrepreneurs and small businesses alike. The platform offers seamless integration with Instagram, providing analytics, scheduling, and content creation tools all in one place. Its intuitive design makes it easy to navigate, even for those new to social media management. From scheduling posts to analyzing performance metrics, “Insta Business” streamlines the process, saving time and boosting productivity. Overall, it’s a must-have for anyone serious about making their mark in the digital marketplace
    Your expertise shines through in this blog post. If you’d like to know more, click here.

    • Danielle Labonte

      We couldn’t agree more Barbara 🙂

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  1. Barbara Merry

    Insta Business” is an invaluable tool for anyone looking to elevate their social media presence. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, it’s a game-changer for entrepreneurs and small businesses alike. The platform offers seamless integration with Instagram, providing analytics, scheduling, and content creation tools all in one place. Its intuitive design makes it easy to navigate, even for those new to social media management. From scheduling posts to analyzing performance metrics, “Insta Business” streamlines the process, saving time and boosting productivity. Overall, it’s a must-have for anyone serious about making their mark in the digital marketplace
    Your expertise shines through in this blog post. If you’d like to know more, click here.

    • Danielle Labonte

      We couldn’t agree more Barbara 🙂

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