Pros and Cons Of Micro and Macro Influencers

Make sure you're picking the right influencer for your brand.

When creating a marketing strategy and looking into hiring influences for brand awareness, it’s always best to think it through. Influencers can generally be categorized into two different groups, micro influencers, and macro influencers. Continue reading to see which one is best for your brand.

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Micro Influencers Defined:

Micro influencers are individuals who have a smaller following on social media platforms, typically ranging from a few hundred to under 10,000 followers. While they may not have a massive reach like macro influencers, their engagement levels and connection with their audience make them a valuable marketing asset. Here are some pros and cons of working with micro influencers:



  1. Engaged Audience: Micro influencers tend to have a more engaged audience. Since their follower count is smaller, they often have a tight-knit community that actively interacts with their content. This means that their followers are more likely to trust their recommendations and genuinely engage with their posts. This results in higher conversion rates.
  2. Authenticity and Niche Expertise:Their specialized knowledge and expertise make them more credible in the eyes of their audience. Collaborating with micro influencers allows brands to tap into their authenticity and leverage their targeted expertise to reach a specific target market effectively.
  3. Cost-effective: Compared to macro influencers, micro are usually more affordable to work with. They may be willing to collaborate in exchange for free products or with just a small fee. This is particularly beneficial for small businesses and brands with limited marketing budgets, as they can obtain effective results without breaking the bank.


  1. Engagement Levels: Due to the large size of their followers, macro influencers may not have the time or capacity to engage with each member of their audience individually. This could result in lower levels of engagement compared to micro influencers. Their comments and direct interactions with followers may be limited, impacting the personal connection between the influencer and their audience.
  2. Higher Costs: Collaborating with macro influencers tends to be more expensive than working with micro influencers. Their large followings and established influence demand higher fees and more significant investments. This could pose a financial challenge, especially for small businesses or brands with limited marketing budgets.
Both micro and macro influencers offer unique advantages and disadvantages to brands. Micro influencers excel in terms of engagement and niche expertise while being more cost-effective. While, macro influencers provide vast reach, established trust, and professional content creation abilities. Deciding which type of influencer to collaborate with depends on the brand’s specific goals, budget, and target audience.
Check out our roster on our site, to see a mix of macro and micro influencers.
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