Two Ways Content Creators Can Benefit From A.I

Think of A.I as a colleague.. but with the mind of a robot.

Just as the thought of A.I can be exciting, it can also be scary. But don’t worry, we’re here to settle the record straight – A.I is our friend and not our foe in all things content creation.

Wait.. What does A.I stand for?

A.I stands for artificial intelligence. I know, you’re immediately thinking about robots. Let’s stop you right there. Robots are not taking over!

In the simplest terms, A.I is computer science that generates data sets and delivers the data as a solution to the problem we are trying to solve. A.I can come in many forms in our technological devices, but in this case, we are discussing specifically A.I tools in the form of apps on our computers.

A.I In Copywriting

Think of A.I simply as an idea well, where you can place your thoughts and find bits and pieces of treasure at the bottom.

It is a useful tool for writing copy for us, as long as we give it the resources to do so, like keywords, phrases, subjects, ideas, and brand voice. Once we teach it to understand what we want to write about, it can then generate a few options for content writing.

With how helpful A.I tools can be, we don’t believe it will replace our caption writing entirely.. so don’t start to worry about your job just yet 😉 But it can be a very useful tool in increasing our productivity, especially when we have writer’s block and can’t seem to brainstorm any thoughts. 

There are two ways A.I learns how to write for us:

  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP). This determines how the system can interpret what you want to say.
  2. Natural Language Generation (NLG).This allows the content it is writing to sound realistic and humanlike.

How can we use A.I as creators?

Creating content is essential in the world of social media. To write engaging and creative content, we need to take time to brainstorm our thoughts and ideas to form a cohesive sentence. These A.I tools can help with that!

Whether you are writing a blog, a newsletter, or a social post, these A.I copywriting apps have got your back.. just remember to feed them first.

Jasper A.I

Jasper is your friend when it comes to short-form copy! It’s the expert in helping you write social media posts. It can create content from one simple idea or it can learn to rewrite existing content for your next post and other formats such as blogs and newsletters.

Jasper is the friend full of creativity that will spark some inspiration. The best part? If you use chrome as your number one browser choice, you can use the extension to generate content directly in the social platform you’re using. 

Lately A.I

Lately is Jasper’s opposite in that it helps you generate long-form copywriting. Like Jasper, it learns to use your tone of voice, ideas, and keywords to create copy for your target audience. Lately can generate content from forms that are not only text but video, audio, podcasts, and more. The best feature about Lately is that it has an integration with Hootsuite. When planning and scheduling your content, you can rewrite or form new content to post too!

Here’s a little bit more about Lately:  

Later A.I Caption Writer

Like Hootsuite, Later is a social media management tool that helps content creators schedule and plan their content weekly. Later has now stepped up their game by introducing to us an in-app caption writing tool powered by, yup you guessed it, A.I! Later works very similarly to the other apps we have introduced you to, but we love that everything you need is in one place. It is super simple and easy to use. Okay.. we are a little biased, but see for yourself!

Now that you have the A.I tools to help you create all the content your heart desires.. or your job requires. Are you ready to get started?

We want to hear from you! Do you think A.I is a brilliant tool to use for copywriting or do you think A.I should step aside and leave the writing to the real-life creators? Let us know in the comments.


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